THE ANGELUSV: The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary: |
Sacred Heart of Jesus Weekly Schedule Thirty-Fourth Sunday in OT Thirty-Fourth Sunday in OT Sat, Nov 23 @ 5pm Pro Populo Thirty-Fourth Sunday in OT Sun, Nov 24 @ 11am* Living & Deceased Priests, Bishops, Nuns, Deacons, Professionals in health care & all those here to serve and protect [req. Paul Cheng] *Jr. Liturgy Lectors 5pm: Noah Brownson 11am: Ashton Ollerenshaw Mon, Nov 25 @ 9am Unannounced Mass Mon, Nov 25 @ 9:30-10:30am ** Holy Hour! ** Tues, Nov 26 @ 9am Zoran Zivkovic [req. Cook Hunt Club] Tues, Nov 26 @ 6:15-8pm* Life in the Spirit Seminar SHJ Hall *note the date change this week
* SHJ & SHM Cemetery 2nd Collection after Holy Communion this weekend *This is the second time we're doing this. Please bring back the cemetery envelope you took home with you after Mass last Sunday and bring it this Sunday if you wish to contribute. We are very grateful to parishioners for their donations as this helps our Catholic Cemeteries with the upkeep. There will be separate envelopes for SHJ & SHM respectively in your pews, and we ask that you just write your offertory envelope number on it to ensure you get a tax-receipt. Requesting Mass Intentions To arrange to have a Mass celebrated, just contact our secretary Pauline Davis (613.472.2220 or [email protected] Flower Sponsor Envelopes By using the white Flower Sponsor envelopes (located in the narthex), a one time donation of $40 will provide flowers for the sanctuary and shrines, and you'll also get a Mass intention included in that. So a great deal if you think about it! The churches are beautifully decorated in large part to your flower donations. And when you see in the Flocknotes Masses being offered "For the X Family Intentions" - usually those are from the Family flower sponsor. Thanks to Shirley Gauvreau, Brenda Poirier, Iris Doyle & Joanne Forestell for always doing such a splendid arrangement of the flowers! Thank you for your support. |
Parish Office: Sacred Heart of Jesus P.O. Box 104 38 Bursthall Street Marmora, Ontario K0K 2M0 Secretary: | Parish Priest Father Justin Pulikunnel (613) 472-2220 [email protected] website: Resident Priest: Father Brian Price (613) 472-2220 [email protected] website:
We thank everyone who has supported our parishes with their time, talent and financial contributions. As the pace of life speeds up, you may find electronic giving a most welcome way to make your Sunday offering. As you know, supporting the work of the Church with one’s financial resources is an essential and intrinsic part of Christian discipleship and stewardship.
For your Sunday Offering you may use:
[email protected] (SHJ)
[email protected] (SHM)
For all other donations, specific to your request, please use the coloured envelopes in your box of envelopes and/or the envelopes provided at the back of the Church.
By using the white Flower Sponsor envelopes (located in the narthex), a one time donation of $40 will provide flowers for the sanctuary and shrines, and you'll also get a Mass intention included in that. So a great deal if you think about it! The churches are beautifully decorated in large part to your flower donations. And when you see in the Flocknotes Masses being offered "For the X Family Intentions" - usually those are from the Family flower sponsor. Thanks to Shirley Gauvreau, Brenda Poirier & Iris Doyle for always doing such a splendid arrangement of the flowers! Thank you for your support |
Wednesday, November 27 Sacred Heart of Jesus, Marmora 9am: Holy Mass for Peter John Rinder † [req. The Family] 9:30am: Expostion of the Blessed Sacrament 9:30am-6:30pm: All Day Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 6pm: Angelus & The Holy Rosary 6:30pm: Meditation by Fr. Stephen Bruzzese on Confession 7:15pm: Confessions with Fr. Stephen Bruzzese & Fr. Bill Maloney & Fr. Brian Price 7:45pm: Benediction & Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament Thursday, November 28 Sacred Heart of Mary, Madoc 9am: Holy Mass for Mary Goulah † [req. Sheila Wright & Family] 9:30am: Expostion of the Blessed Sacrament 9:30am-6:30pm: All Day Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 6pm: Angelus & The Holy Rosary 6:30pm: Meditation by Fr. Stephen Bruzzese on the Holy Eucharist 7:15pm: Benediction & Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament Friday, November 29 Sacred Heart of Jesus, Marmora 9am: Holy Mass for Bernadette Lynch † [req. Lynda Lynch & Family] 9:30am: Expostion of the Blessed Sacrament 9:30am-6:30pm: All Day Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 6pm: Angelus & The Holy Rosary 6:30pm: Holy Mass for Bonnie & Dave Weir & Family [req. The Weir Family] 6:30pm: Homily by Fr. Stephen Bruzzese on the Holy Spirit & a new Pentecost 7:30pm: Eucharistic Procession, Solemn Benediction & Apostolic Blessing |