Drop off at the Church using the Parish Mail Box at SHJ-Marmora or at SHM-Madoc.
You may also mail in your offering/donation
We thank everyone who has supported SHJ & SHM & St. Bernadette this past year with their time, talent and financial contributions, and look forward to support from all of our parishioners in the year ahead. As the pace of life speeds up, you may find electronic giving a most welcome way to make contributions. Thank you for your generosity & support!
If you'd like to make an e-transfer to SHJ, you can do so via
[email protected]
Please add your envelope # to your e-transfer email.
If you'd like to make an e-transfer to SHM & St. Bernadette's, you can do so via [email protected]
{Please use your SHJ - BLUE & SHM - GREEN ENVELOPES}
Please note that when donations are made by e-transfer it is received at the Bank as a Sunday weekly offering.
If you wish to donate to other funds, please use your blue and green envelopes as well as restoration envelopes and/or under separate cover envelope. The restoration funds are very necessary for the parish as there is an unbelievable amount of necessary pointing, sealing, repairing, fixing leaks, etc. to do. Restoration of the exterior of the Church is in the works. Thank you for your generosity!